March 31, 2019

Processing Large Files – Java, Go and 'hitting the wall'

In January Stuart Marks published a blog post named “Processing Large Files in Java” as a response to a post by Paige Niedringhaus about “Using Java to Read Really, Really Large Files”. Niedringhaus there reports her experience with JavaScript to solve a “coding challenge” where a “very large file” has to be processed and four specific questions where asked about the processed file. After solving the challenge in JavaScript, Niedringhaus then moved forward and successfully implemented a solution to the challenge in Java as she was curious about Java and how to do it in that language. Read more

February 9, 2019

Go Issue #21876 – archive/zip: Reader.Read returns ErrChecksum

Out of curiosity I took one of the HelpWanted issues from the Go Repository at github, investigated it and had some fun. Introduction The Go Issue 21876 states that “archive/zip: Reader.Read returns ErrChecksum on certain files” where a zip file is created “where the directory entries don’t have the ’d' bit set”. Further, then such a zip file is processed with some ruby code [2] where all directory entries in the zip file are removed. Read more

© Marcel Lanz 2018-2020

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